Hekla in Lupins

From EUR €2,590.00
  • Duration: 5 Days
  • Product code: IH-25


On the mid-ocean ridge, no volcano can nap for long, and certainly not one with a range of craters. Have you seen a multi-cratered volcano shaped like an overturned Viking boat yet? Mount Hekla is one of those majestic rarities in the world. It looks stunningly peaceful when asleep in mid-summer sunlight, with fields of lupins growing everywhere around. Yet, bear in mind that one third of the volcanic ash deposited in Scandinavia, Ireland, the United Kingdom, and Germany originated from Hekla’s temperamental roars. The belief that Hekla was the ‘Gateway to Hell’ persisted in Iceland until the 19th century.

Despite this fearsome reputation, Hekla is cherished by farmers for enriching the soil with fertilising ashes, and by riders for making the surrounding area comfortable for horses’ tolting. On this exciting 5-day tour, we will see a lot of lava formations and we will ride on Hekla’s vast ashy veil, exposed to the elements or covered with lush grass or vibrant lupins. On our last riding day, when looking at the green pastures of Fljótshlíð, imagine that merely 76 years ago all the area got covered with a 10-cm-thick layer of Hekla’s fine tephra. How amazing!

This tour can be extended by 2 extra riding days on black beaches. If you are interested, please contact us for more information and booking.


Day 1: We pick you up from Reykjavik at 12:00 and drive you to your accommodation, Minni-Vellir farmhouse. The drive takes about 1.5 hours. At Mini-Vellir, we will chat about horses and the plan for the day over a snack and a cup of tea or coffee, and then we will go horseback riding. It will be a steady 1- to 2-hour ride, where we will familiarise ourselves with the horses, the tack, and the “Icelandic outdoors”. Riding distance approx. 6 km.

An extra attraction of the day is a visit to Iceland's longest manmade cave, which happens to be located on our neighbour’s farmland. He will be delighted to show us around and share interesting insights about the cave's history and the sinister lore behind Hekla's infamous nickname. The day ends with a homemade dinner and a relaxing chat with fellow riders.


Day 2: After breakfast, we set off for our first day of travel with the herd. The free-running horses that accompany us on this adventure are herded by Ishestar’s staff, while our group is led by the guide at a distance ahead of the herd or behind it. On our way towards the mighty Volcano Hekla, we will pass endless pastures and beautiful fields of lupins in the early stages of blooming. Riding distance approx. 20 km.

After the ride, we will leave the horses on a green field for the night. On our way back home, we will treat the eye with the magnificent sight of the Thjofafoss waterfall, and at Minni-Vellir we will of course treat the stomach with a hearty meal.


Day 3: Today, we will fearlessly approach the dormant volcano. Our horses have known peaceful Hekla all their lives and offer us their comforting assistance in the venture. It actually starts with a river crossing, as it is the only way into a remote area at the foot of the mountain. After a lunch break, we part with the herd and go on a horseback visit to a private farmland located at the very slopes of the volcano. The landowner takes us to hidden spots rich with mystical local tales. What a viewpoint! Riding distance approx. 17 km.

When dining at Minni-Vellir, you will feel compelled to exchange thoughts on the experience with those who have been there together with you - in the very same way we all do after watching an exciting movie with a like-minded person.


Day 4: Today, we'll turn away from Hekla, heading towards Fljótshlíð. With multiple strata of volcanic ashes trodden by horse hooves along the paths, we will enjoy a smooth ride through impressive and ever-changing lava fields and green pastureland. Riding distance approx. 25 km.

The horses will be thrilled to stay at a grassy paradise for the night. There is a thrilling surprise for ourselves as well - we will drive to an outdoor geothermal hot spring in order to indulge in a muscle-relaxing soak. Another finishing touch of the perfect day will, of course, be a delicious dinner at our farmhouse.


Day 5: On our last day, we will ride against the gentian purple backdrop of lupins, through fields of eerie lava formations and across small streams. At a certain point, we will make our way over a small mountain pass, as if entering into a secret fairyland. On the other side, we will see a breathtakingly beautiful gorge and ride through an enchanting Icelandic forest. Riding distance approx. 17 km.

We round up our trip by leading our horses to their field where they will rest for a week. While watching our herd enjoying the freedom, rolling and snorting, we will have a picnic on the grass by their field - to gently transition from being close to nature to being back in the city. The Ishestar bus will transport us to Reykjavik. The drive takes about 2.5 hours.


Those who have opted for two extra days in the saddle will be given a lift to the nearby guesthouse where the next chapter of the adventure begins.

Day 6: We enjoy a great time on horseback on a black sand beach, with the ocean on one side and a mountain panorama - with the spectacular Eyjafjallajökull - on the other side. We tölt through the dunes and cross tidal rivers. Riding distance approx. 13 km.

In the afternoon we embark on a sightseeing tour to see one of the most spectacular waterfall of the South and the black cliffs of Reynisfjara.

Day 7: We are off to another ride on the black sand beach, which provides an excellent tolting ground. Riding distance approx. 10 km.

After the ride, we discover even more waterfalls on both sides of the Markafljot river (Gluggafoss and Seljalandsfoss). At around 18:00, we have a refreshment and a cup of hot beverage, before bidding farewell to the staff and getting on the bus. The approximate time of arrival in Reykjavik is 21:30.

Íshestar reserves the right to alter the route, if need be, e.g. due to weather conditions.